Post-test report - Tech Lead

Last week, we held a playtest of the game using the first two levels. We made use of a game development club at our university to gain testers, and they were all very useful in finding new issues in our games. While it hurt to see the systems I built break, I was happy with the fact that it meant that I could take that information to reinforce those systems. 

For example, while the testing was taking place, I observed that the pathfinding system on our enemies was not gong to work as every enemy would simply get caught. It was unfortunate, as that was something that I worked very hard on, but I have already begun putting in the work towards adding Unity's NavMesh system to avert this problem. 

There were also many clipping issues in the second level. This was to be expected as it has only really been blocked in, without the  polish a completed level needs. The level still needs some design implementation in certain areas to make it more of a puzzle level and to create more chaos. 

We also found that players struggled to figure out where the cat was at the start of the first level. We will have to correct this with showing an opening cutscene featuring the cat.  While there was also the idea to have a pointer at the start of the level,  the cutscene felt the best. 

Overall, the biggest update in this game was to the aesthetic, having the first level fully textured at this point compared to our last test. There are still some problems that I need to work on with the tech that is separate from the design.

Get Crazy Cat Lady

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