Final + Perth Game Festival

Thank you all for following us on our journey through creating our game.

We were at the Perth Game Festival yesterday, big thank you for everyone who came to visit us!! We had so much fun showing off our game and seeing what others in Perth had also created. It has taken alot of sleepless nights and hard work but we have completed it!!  We were with others from our university which made the day so fun as we got see how far everyone had come. 

Alot when well. People really enjoyed playing the game, Alot of people said they would play our game again which very exciting.  Everyone was really kind and very positive. Although not a completed a win but was still good was that we knew about the glitchs that people found. this ment that no new ones were found.

We did have a few promblems on the day, they were not major but it was that we did have a few glitchs, one made the game not playable if an item was not picked up in the right order.  Having to explain the all the glitchs and how to get around them was hard because some people where anti social and did not really listen. (People not wanting to talk is completely fine it just made it a bit hard for us).  

What we would have done differently. There is  not much that we would have done differently. We would have definity had a buiness card something along those lines so we could give that out and people could find our socials and itch easier.  We would have also loved to  get all the glitchs and bugs fixed .

We are going to release the game very soon on here and I hope that you can all play it. It will be free to play.

Get Crazy Cat Lady

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