Peices falling into place, progress update

The team has been quite busy this past week, whereas I, the Art lead, am busy trying to settle into a new house. But some things are coming into place, more textures are being made bringing life and colour into the world, as you can see in the last devlog post as well. We hope to finish texturing and all art-related stuff soon, so we can focus on other aspects of the game. An image I've attached shows some of the stuff I've worked on, there's more than what I'm showing here but perhaps you can see more once the game is put together. Hopefully, soon all of the art assets will be complete, and we can show you all how the game should really look. There is a certain collecting aspect of the game that I'll be excited to show, once it's complete but for now ill leave any readers in the dark ;) At this moment, I am working on the game poster design and the collection items. And searching the web for some charming music to use for our game.
Thank you for reading. =(^._.^)=

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